I love receiving parcels and this one was no exception. Thanks to Rich at Cotswold Outdoors we have enough energy gels, bars and sweets to potentially get us to Scotland! Although I think we'll stick to the task in hand and remain on the Ridgeway. A big thank you to Rich and Cotswold Outdoors for their generous supply.
It's less than 48 hours to go now until we head out to our starting point at Overton in Wiltshire. Things have come together really well over the last week. We have also managed to reach the £5000 mark and not only that but we've exceed this and at the time of writing we are closer to £5300. Once again a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us and given so generously.
Here's to Friday morning and the start of our challenge.
Adrian Maughan (Support Crew)
26/4/2013 07:36:31 am

Well done guys. Day one, and first 30 miles behind you. Best foot forward from 7.00am tomorrow. Next stop Goring-on-Thames. See you in Watlington on Saturday evening for fish and chips!!


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Ridgeway, Hike, Rabble, charity, Noah, Mission, Reading, District, Hospitals, Fund